Meet the trader: Soap Daze’s Sharon Mitchell

If you’re trying to be more conscious about what’s in your bathroom cupboard, you’ll love meeting Soap Daze at our next market on Sunday 21st August. Their luxurious natural skincare, body care and wellbeing products are all vegan and handmade from planet-friendly ingredients.

Founder Sharon Mitchell took a quick break from whipping up products in the workshop to chat about running Soap Daze and their dreamy product range.

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You haven’t always been a soap-making extraordinaire – tell us how you ended up changing career to start Soap Daze.

It was very random. Someone suggested I should make soap. I had worked in a lab for 15 years and when I Googled 'how to make soap', I really wanted to do it! Lab experience did help a bit and made it slightly less daunting.

You use the traditional cold press method to make your soap, but what exactly is that?

It means that the solid oils are gently heated only to melt them, then the soap is cured for weeks to allow for excess water to evaporate, for the soap to harden. Hot process is where the soap batter is heated, like in a crock pot. This speeds up the process so you can use it pretty much straight away once solidified.

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Where do you get inspiration for your recipes and where do you source the ingredients?

I try to think of products we can use for our bodies that are natural and not water based, so they don't need preservatives. And I only use UK companies to source ingredients, although obviously some are shipped from abroad like coconut oil!

Soap Daze has been running for 12 years. What have been some of your proudest moments along the way?

My proudest moments are my team. They are the best.

As well as running your shop, online and in Exeter, you sell at markets (like Better Sundays!). What do you enjoy about being a market trader?

We got the shop a couple of weeks before the first lockdown. All events were cancelled – up to then I had done hundreds! I love doing them, I love meeting other makers and going to different places.

Finally, what products can people expect to find on your Better Sundays stall?

I'll bring soap and candles, but I'll probably change my mind and bring everything!

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Chat to Sharon and take a look at the Soap Daze range in person at the Better Sundays Broadmead market between 10am and 5pm on 21st August. We’ll be shouting about more of our lovely traders on Instagram in the lead up, so make sure you give @bettereventsbristol a follow.